Saturday, June 27, 2020

Be a Blessing to Someone Today!

The best way to feel blessed yourself is to be a blessing to someone else today!
Image of the word "Love" with title caption: Love your neighbor as yourself! Be a blessing to someone else today, and bless yourself!
Love your neighbor as yourself! Bless someone else, and you will be blessed yourself!

In our hyper-individualized American culture, the cultural wisdom tells you that if you want to feel better about yourself, you should engage in "self-care." And "self-care" often means being intentionally self indulgent and self centered.

But once you have a healthy level of self-respect and proper boundaries, focusing excessively on yourself will actually make you less happy and less fulfilled. 

Of course, if you don't have a healthy level of self-respect and proper boundaries, so that others push you around and walk all over you without any repercussion, then that is a separate issue that needs to be addressed.

Healthy Self-Respect and Proper Boundaries Help You to Help Others More Effectively 

A message if self-care may sometimes be needed to correct for low self-esteem and codependency, where a person feels obligated to put themselves last in any and every situation, no matter what. Some people were raised with an unhealthy belief that enjoying nice things for yourself is somehow sinful. (Usually, this belief is encouraged by selfish and narcissistic religious leaders who don't practice what they preach.) Sometimes, people do need to learn how to say "No!" to the unreasonable and selfish demands of others and to say "Yes!" to their own legitimate needs and desires. After all, you can't obey Jesus's teaching of loving your neighbor as yourself, if you don't love yourself!

If that is the case, find a Christian leader whose life you would want to emulate. Pick someone who is genuinely happy and who has healthy, happy, mutually rewarding relationships. In other words, find someone who both talks the talk and walks the walk. Once you have identified some people like that, ask them to counsel you. As Proverbs 11:14 says, there is wisdom in having multiple good counselors.

Learn to love yourself, but don't stop there. If you love yourself, you're only doing half of what Jesus taught when he said to "love your neighbor as yourself."

Once You Respect Yourself and Have Healthy Boundaries, Look for Ways to Show Your Love for Others! 

Assuming you do have a healthy self-respect and have proper boundaries in your relationships with others, then engaging in "self-care" will only take you so far. 

If you focus only on yourself and your own needs and wants, you will paradoxically become less happy and less fulfilled in life. 

As it turns out, the best way to make yourself feel happier and more fulfilled is to do something nice for someone else! Of course, this is what all the world's major religions have taught for centuries. Now, research in the field of positive psychology is confirming that teaching!

In Luke 10:25-37, Jesus tells the parable of The Good Samaritan in response to a series of questions from a religious leader. When asked about how to gain eternal life, Jesus responds with a question: what does the Law say? "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart . . . and love thy neighbor as thyself." (Luke 10: 27.) So the religious leader asked a followup question: "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus responded with the story of a man in desperate need of help; his own countrymen pass him by without giving aid, ostensibly because of religious considerations (if the man was dead, they would be ritually impure for temple services). But a Samaritan, a member of a lower caste and a natural enemy of the injured man, stopped to help him. Jesus said that this is an example of how we should be towards others: the best way to show our love for God is to perform acts of loving kindness towards others. (See also, the parable of the Sheep and the Goats in Matthew 25:31-46!)

In John 12:24-25, Jesus declares something of a paradox: if you try to hang on to something, you will lose it; but if you let go of it in order to serve God by being a blessing to others, you will gain more than whatever you gave up. How does this work? How can you be better off when you sacrifice for the good of others?

In addition to the spiritual blessings promised by Jesus (as well as the leaders of the world's other major religions), we experience verifiable emotional blessings when we act kindly towards others! 

We are social creatures. There are no indigenous people anywhere who live in isolation: every people group throughout the world originally lived in small tribes. For a person who ventured out on his own, there would have been a lot of hungry predators waiting to eat him! We are physically one of the weakest animals on the planet; in one-on-one, hand-to-hand combat, we would be quickly killed by most of the large predators out there. But what allowed us to survive and thrive as a species was our ability to work together (in addition to our opposable thumbs). Consequently, our instincts and emotions are designed to get us to seek companionship, since relationships with other people are so critical to our survival.

Our brains are "wired" to reward altruism, since acts of kindness towards others strengthens our relationships and social bonds. Because of the type of creatures we are, doing good to others makes us feel subjectively happier and more fulfilled!

Check out this video below (embedded from YouTube) of Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar discussing the scientific evidence for the benefits of being kind towards others!

Spirituality and science agree: in order to live a fulfilled and rewarding life, we should perform acts of loving kindness towards. So go and be a blessing to someone today! Not only will you bless the other person, you will also bless yourself!

Friday, June 26, 2020

How to Stop Procrastinating Now!

Stop Procrastinating Now! Stop Putting Life on Hold! Image of Clock and Animated Text
Stop Putting Life on Hold! Stop Procrastinating NOW!

"I want to stop procrastinating . . . starting tomorrow!" announced someone who will never stop procrastinating!

But seriously, how do we break the habit of putting life on hold until some distant future day, when we will hopefully feel up to it, feel sufficiently prepared for it, or feel like we finally have enough time to deal with it? 

How do we stop procrastinating NOW?

There Is Never Going to Be a Better Time than Now!

In 2 Corinthians 6:2, the Apostle Paul said, "Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation." Today! 

It has to be Today! Whenever you experience God's grace, mercy, forgiveness, redemption, empowerment, and blessing, you are experiencing them in the present. Today.

Tomorrow, by definition, will always be a day away. Whatever day it is, that day is today, and today is the day to seize all the opportunities and to use all the tools and resources God has given you.

Today, right here, right now, is the only day we have in which to act, to change, or simply to be present in our lives.

Lord willing, we will be alive tomorrow to do all of those things, but guess what? When "tomorrow" arrives, that day will be "today." 

All of this may sound so basic as to not be worth saying. But this really is an important insight! It is always NOW. You are alive TODAY. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but TODAY! Really embracing and living in this truth can be profound and profoundly life changing. 

Our default is not to be fully engaged in the present moment. Our default is to daydream about the future or ruminate about the past. And if our attention is on the past or future, then it won't be on the present, which is the only time we really have to experience and live Life.

With God, It Is Always Now!

It is always now! Maybe this sounds Buddhist or New Age, but guess what? It is also Biblical. And I'm not going to miss out on Biblical wisdom just because it's an insight that Buddhists or New Agers have popularized. 

Why should we be fully alive and engaged in the present? Because that's how God is! In John 8:58, Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I am." He didn't say, "Before Abraham was, I was." (If your translation says "was" or "existed," it is incorrect.) Thousands of years ago, Jesus is. Let that sink in. Abraham may past tense, but Jesus is always present.  

Think about it like this. In Mark 12, the Sadducees questioned Jesus about the resurrection and tried to trip him up with an apparent paradox from the Torah. Jesus didn't take the bait. He recognized that the question was based on false assumptions about God and the Mosaic Law. In his reply, Jesus said that God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. (Mark 12: 27.) 

I think it's consistent with Jesus's teachings to paraphrase him in the following way: God is not the God of the past, but of the present. For us, there is no way we can be present 2000 or 10,000 years ago. We are bound by time, just as we are bound by space. We can experience only the present moment, just like we can only be in one place at a time. But for God, there are no such limitations. God is always present. For God, it is always now. That's what eternal means: not bound by time.

So the bottom line is this: God is oriented to the present. We should be too.

As the Psalmist said, "This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24.

Today is the day to live, to act, to be, to make a change.

The writer of Hebrews spoke of "Today" as a day of sabbath rest for God's people. (Hebrews 4:3-11.) You can rest from your own self-centered efforts and agenda today, because God wishes to work through you today to accomplish something bigger and better and more fulfilling than you could ever do on your own. That's the very definition of working smarter, not harder.

It actually takes a lot of mental and emotional energy to daydream about the future or ruminate about the past. This isn't to say that we shouldn't plan for the future -- that's something we can do today -- but our focus should always be on what we can do and experience and be in the present.

Today is the day of God's salvation. Today is the day to rejoice and be glad. Today is the day of resting in God's presence and grace and empowerment.

Once you really believe those truths, you will be ready and willing to act now. Today. In the present moment.

Like Nike Says, "Just Do It!"

Dr. Laurie Santos coined the term "The G.I. Joe Fallacy" to describe the erroneous belief that (according to the 1980s G.I. Joe cartoon series) "knowing is half the battle." Knowing is not half the battle. You still have to do.

Sure, now you know that God is ready to act in you and through you to accomplish great things today, but just knowing that isn't going to change anything. Like James said, "Faith without works is dead." (James 2:20.) You have to put God's word into practice to make it effective in your life. God's word tells you that today is the day that God has made, but now you have to act like you believe it by doing something with that knowledge.

In Steven Covey's classic book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the first habit is being proactive. Effective people don't wait for change to happen; they take action to bring that change about. Don't let Life happen and just react to it. Believe that you are someone God can use to change the world for the better. Be proactive!

Fortunately, positive psychology has developed useful tools to help you make positive changes in your life, starting today. But you have to decide to act and then follow through. You have to do the work. But fortunately, as many people have discovered first hand, these tools do work, and you can use these life hacks to form new habits and break old ones.

Dr. Gabriele Oettingen's Life-Hack Called "WOOP"

Click below to listen to an episode of the NPR podcast "Hidden Brain" about the tool developed by Dr. Gabriele Oettingen called "WOOP," which stands for "Wish, Outcome, Opposition, Plan." This life hack has been proven to work to help people accomplish their goals! Applying this technique won't cost you anything, and it takes relatively little time, so why not give it a try!

So go ahead and put your plan into action! Try out different tools and "life hacks" and find out what works best for you! Just be proactive, and act! The Lord bless you and keep you as you do!

If you have any tips you'd like to share on how to stop procrastinating now, please add them below to the comments section! And check out other articles on this site about claiming victory in Jesus today!