Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Why Worry When You Can Pray?

Why worry when you can pray? It's an honest question. When we've done everything we are capable of doing, but we're still worried, what more can we do? Let me tell you a story...

Image with text "Why Worry When You Can Pray?" and icons of worried faces and faces with peace from God.
Why Worry When You Can Pray?!

A Story about Worry

Joan has given hundreds of speeches before large audiences and has been a keynote speaker at major conferences and other events in her field. She knows that her daughter, Meghan, an eighth-grader, has to give a presentation at school tomorrow and that she's nervous about it. Joan wants to help her daughter, but she knows not to force herself into her daughter's business or nag her about her speech. If she does, Meghan will become defensive and resist her attempts to help. It's happened before. So instead, Joan casually mentions that she has helped others with their speeches and, if Meghan is interested, she would gladly help her, too. And then she leaves it at that.

That night, while Joan is watching television, Meghan comes in quietly and sits down beside her. Joan smiles reassuringly and gives her a hug. She asks how she's doing.

Meghan says, "I'm fine," and looks down. A moment later, she looks back up and adds, "I'm kind of scared about tomorrow. I don't like speaking in front of people."

Joan nods and says, "I know how you feel." She talks about how she used to have stage fright and how scary it can be to talk in front of a group of people when you're not used to it. 

"So how did you get over it?" asks Meghan. 

Joan tells her daughter some of the techniques she had used to get over her own fear of public speaking. Then, she asks if she would like to practice her speech in front of her, and maybe she could offer some feedback and tips.

Meghan agrees, and she stands up and begins her speech. Kindly, gently, reassuringly, Joan coaches her daughter and gives her a few simple strategies to use. By the time they finish, Meghan is feeling visibly relieved and more confident. Joan hugs her proudly; she knows her daughter will do well.

In many ways, we are like the daughter in the story above, and God is like the mom. We face problems in Life. We have limited knowledge, skills, and resources. God's knowledge, skills, and resources are unlimited. But he knows not to force himself on us. If we feel we are being coerced against our will, we tend to get defensive and stubborn. So instead of making us listen to his counsel and accept his help, God humbly and graciously offers his assistance to us, but then waits patiently for us to ask for his help.

Worry Does NOT Help! Prayer Does!

Why worry when you can pray? Why ruminate over your problems and all the what-ifs that could go wrong? Not only do anxious thoughts fail to help us, but such worried thinking actually harms us! When we panic, we are less able to see possibilities. We get stuck in either/or, black-and-white kind of thinking. We are unable to think creatively. Worrying incessantly does no good. Our feelings of fear or anxiety serve only to help us avoid unwarranted risks, but when risks are worth taking -- and in Life, every positive action that we can take will involve some risk -- worrying incessantly can keep us from preparing for and responsibly facing challenging opportunities. 

When you are afraid, use the tools God has given you to conquer your fear. Pray. Read the Bible. Seek the counsel of wise men and women whose judgment you trust, especially those who have successfully conquered the challenge you are now facing. Formulate a plan where you can make manageable, measurable progress towards your goals, and find a friend or mentor to hold you accountable to sticking with your plan. Once you've done your part, trust that God will be with you and help you in your time of need. As Ephesians 6:13 says, "Having done all, stand." Stand tall on God's promises. Believe that he is with you and that he will never leave you or forsake you! (Hebrews 13:5) And then go claim your victory in Jesus' name

Here is an encouraging sermon from Joel Osteen (embedded from YouTube) about having faith when you are afraid and facing difficult challenges:

Why Worry When You Can Pray?!!

Whenever you are facing challenging circumstances, ask yourself the following question, aloud: "Why worry, when you can pray?" When you hear yourself say it, you will remind yourself that you have a God who is always there, ready to listen and ready to help!

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